Tag Archive for: Teens

A sunny campground with a lake in the background. This could represent Camp Therapyology, the summer camp for teens in West Bloomfield, MI. Contact us to learn how summer programs for teens can help your teen!

Therapyology heads to Camp Walden!

ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUUUUUNCEMENTS!!!   Therapyology heads to Camp Walden this Summer 2021! From “Capture the Camp,” to punch and cookies and friendship bracelet making... For many kids, summer is about spending it at…
Image of a canoe turned upside down by a lake. This image represents the camp in which teen can attend to help them connect with others. Find more support for your teen with teen therapy in Farmington Hills, MI.

How to Make the Most out of Summer 2020: Teen Edition

For over 15 years of my life, I spent my time counting down the days until I could grab my duffel bag and hop on the bus to sleepaway camp. During the school year, I used to dream about those warm summer nights spent staying up late into…