Camp Therapyology
Camp Therapyology launched Summer 2020 as our pilot program in Michigan to provide social connection and emotional support to kids and teens during a global pandemic. As mental health professionals, we understand how this isolation has taken a severe mental toll on our youth. Which is why we’ll be offering Camp Therapyology programs year-round in Michigan. Whatever you are going through at home, this camp for teens, kids, and young adults can support you with this and online camp!
You felt safe, carefree and created social connections with the people who you could truly be yourself with… we’re recreating that with Camp Therapyology!
How do you make new friends when everything is virtual? Why aren’t my friends answering my texts or ghosting me? While addressing these questions and more, we will learn how to create healthy communication with our friends and family members. By doing so, we can have meaningful relationships.
Campers will develop bonds with others their own age. They’ll also practice active listening and open communication. With social media being a huge part of a teen’s social life, we will explore the effects of social media on our social connections, friendships, and how we can have a healthy relationship with social media. Oh, and remember at camp when you’d go to arts and crafts and make your BFF a friendship bracelet? Yeah, we’ll do that, too!
Life is really hard right now; we totally get it! So how can we cope with the anxiety and stress that the pandemic, virtual school, loneliness, etc, is affecting us? We can learn how to practice real coping skills and learn from each other how we are managing the stress of the world right now.
Want to learn more about DBT and ACT?
We do, too! … Just kidding, we already know it.
From mindfulness and distress tolerance (think self-soothing) to acceptance, we will explore and learn how to incorporate these skills into our everyday lives. This builds our emotional tolerance and helps prepare us for challenges along the way. With so many of us feeling uncertain about the future, it can be easy to catastrophize things. Learning these skills and being able to practice them will set you up for a more peaceful future.
From bullying to body image to consent and death; topics that tend to have a stigma associated with them aren’t regularly discussed in school or at home. However, we create a safe and non-judgmental environment to explore and discuss taboo topics.
The year 2020 did NOT pass the vibe check.
But you know what can? Having an open mindset and willingness to discuss “taboo topics”! Our intention is not to tell anyone what to think or how to act. But, rather create a safe and open space. With hands-on activities and games designed to facilitate vulnerable conversations, we are empowering the next generation of ‘thinkers’ and ‘doers’ to embrace the world with an open mindset.
Camp Therapyology isn’t the only thing we offer at our West Bloomfield, MI private practice. Our caring therapists also provide trauma-informed therapy, online therapy, therapy for children of divorce, grief counseling, therapy for children, therapy for teens, therapy for young adults, groups, and workshops.